Hello, I'm Dana! I am a software developer,
UI/UX designer, and full stack web developer.

After earning my BS in Software Development, I opted to further enhance my coding skills,
so I enrolled in an intensive, full-time bootcamp. I accumulated over 1000 hours of experience
in full-stack web development and algorithms, while building more than 50 web applications.


html css bootstrap javascript jquery mysql ajax python flask django
react express mongodb node socket java junit spring npm github aws

Python Stack Black Belt

"Handy Helper"

Python Full-Stack Web Application Exam

MERN Stack Black Belt

"Pet Shelter"

MERN Full-Stack Web Application Exam

Java Stack Black Belt

"Task Manager"

Java Full-Stack Web Application Exam



Atari Pong clone built using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.



Atari Breakout clone built using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.


Full Stack Web Application developed using Python, Django, and MySQL. Weather and Google Maps APIs provide relevant data based on event address. Password hashing using Bcrypt ensures secure storage and retrieval.


Gena's Best Care, Inc.

Used WordPress to design and deploy the website, establishing a web presence for the business and increasing their digital visibility, to drive new customer acquisition and build brand awareness.

In my free time, I enjoy: